Rabu, 18 September 2013

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Offering something untuk 4 orang

Maharani : Hey, everyone! Thank you for coming to my party
Aulia : It’s a very kind of you for having us here, Maharani. Happy birthday, by the way
Egha : We are really glad to come here. Happy birthday, Maharani
Ramdhan : Yeah, your party is really nice. Happy birthday, Maharani
Maharani : Thank you, everyone. I’m very happy to have you here too. By the way, have you enjoyed the food? Would you like some tart cake? I have tart cake from my parents.
Ramdhan : Oh, really? Is that okay? I would love to have some
Aulia : Oh, thank you, Maharani. Please, don’t bother
Egha : Thank you, Maharani. It’s okay. Thank you for the offer
Ramdhan : Well… if nobody likes it, maybe you can get some for me, Maharani
Aulia : Oh, don’t be so ravenous, Ramdhan! You have just eaten many sweets.
Ramdhan : Oh… but….
Maharani : Hahaha. Its okay… it’s okay, guys. I really don’t mind. Okay, wait a minute, I’ll get the cake.
Egha : Oh forgive Ramdhan, Maharani. We’re sorry for troubling you.
Ramdhan : Yes, thank you, Maharani. Just a tiny slice will be okay.
Maharani : Hahaha. It’s alright, guys. Okay, enjoy the party while I’m going for the cake. (Maharani going to bring the cake)
Ramdhan : Hey, I drank a very fresh smoothie right there. Do you want some smoothies?
Aulia : Really? Yes, I want some!
Egha : Oh no thank you. I get cough. I think I’m not going to drink cold drinks for a while.
Ramdhan : Well, there is a hot chocolate drink. Shall I help yourself to some hot chocolate?
Egha : Oh really? Thank you, Ramdhan. That’s a very kind of you.
Ramdhan : No problem. Okay, I will get the drinks. You two wait here for Maharani.
Egha : Alright. Thank you, Ramdhan.

Red    = Offering
Blue    = Accepting

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